Driving Manoeuvres

As you learn to drive and work through the driving syllabus, we will cover several topics ranging from the simple to the somewhat complex.

Why Are Driving Manoeuvres Important?
Once you have your driver’s license and are driving on a regular basis, you will encounter many situations where you are required to park, reverse and turn around to change direction. In such situations you will be required to perform one or a combination of driving manoeuvres, to complete what you had in mind. Due to how often you will perform a manoeuvre, mastering each one is an important part of learning to drive.

Why Are Driving Manoeuvres Considered Difficult?
Due to the number of instructions you need to remember per manoeuvre and the relatively short period of time in which you must execute, it is an area many learner drivers find challenging. Each manoeuvre has several reference points, at which you need to perform a specific act and the numerous instructions, coupled with the tight spaces in which your vehicle will often have to fit, can make executing the task quite difficult.

What Are the Different Driving Manoeuvres?
There are 5 possible manoeuvres you may be required to execute on your driving test, and it is important that you have a good grasp of each one, as your examiner on the day will pick one at random. The driving manoeuvres are as follows;

Reverse Parking / Parallel Parking
This driving manoeuvre is used when parking and the aim is to position your vehicle parallel, to a vehicle in front of the gap you wish to park in and gradually reverse into the space. Although somewhat difficult, it is a manoeuvre that can be grasped with enough practice.

Bay Parking
On this manoeuvre, you are required to reverse from either the left or the right into a bay made of two lines. This manoeuvre is relatively straightforward once you have understood your reference points.

Reverse Around the Corner
This manoeuvre is used when turning into a side road and there are two types; The sharp corner reverse, where the road you are on and the road you are reversing into, meet at a right angle and the gradual corner reverse, where the road you are on and the road you are reversing into, meet at a gradient.

Turn in The Road / Three Point Turn
This driving manoeuvre assesses your ability to turn the car around using both forward and reverse gears. Previously the manoeuvre was called a 3 point turn, as you were required to complete the task in just three moves, however, you are no longer required to complete it in three steps, but your examiner will still be judging to ensure you complete the task as efficiently as possible.

Emergency Stop
You may be required to carry out an emergency stop during your driving test, as well as any of the other manoeuvres listed above. If asked to do so, your examiner will be assessing how fast your reactions are and whether you are able to bring the car to a stop, in a safe and controlled manner.

Driving Test Manoeuvre Tips
On your driving test, you will be required to perform at least one of the driving manoeuvres listed and failure to execute the task to the required standard is a significant reason why many people fail their driving test.

Do Not Panic
Feeling nervous during your driving test is a natural emotion and nothing raises your heart rate during your test as much as perfuming a driving manoeuvre. It is important not to panic as you execute the manoeuvre, as your nervousness can cause you to forget a reference point or confuse a sequence of instructions needed to complete the task.

Correct Your Mistakes
If you realise mid-manoeuvre that you have made a mistake, take steps to correct the error, instead of continuing as is, to the end of the task. If you have oversteered, missed a reference point, or misjudged your marker, attempt to correct the error, as your examiner will judge the task upon its completion, not midway through it.

Be Observant
You can successfully complete a driving manoeuvre, yet still fail the task, if you do not complete your observations while executing. You need to thoroughly observe your surroundings, using all mirrors and windows, to ensure there are no pedestrians, especially small children in the path of your vehicle.

Remember to Give Way
When attempting a manoeuvre, your vehicle is the hazard on the road and if a pedestrian or another motorist approaches your vicinity, you are required to give way to the other road user. Failure to do so will result in you failing this task, so ensure you give way when required to.

Manage Your Speed
It is important to manage your speed when executing a driving manoeuvre, to avoid missing a reference point or oversteering. All manoeuvres should be completed using clutch control and selecting the correct speed, will reduce the chances of you making a mistake during the task.